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“Backed by gold”. Sure. Just until the participating countries figure out how to quietly siphon it off so the 1’s and 0’s on the screen reflect their true value of nothing.

Who believes that any government, in the long run, is actually going to allow the people to have a currency that holds any amount of actual inherent value?

As for blockchain, give me a break! The leadership needs ways by which to do what they do outside of the public eye: take bribes; pay off mercenaries, human traffickers and prostitutes, and fund all sorts of shadow organizations like arms dealers without public attention. Blockchain is unfit for these purposes in so many ways. My guess is that a booming global market in actual gold, in place of paper, will start springing up to serve the needs of the elites while the peasants accept quatloos to pay for their daily allotment of gruel.

Look forward 30 or 40 years from now, staring out from your “spacious” 300 square foot cinderblock human battery cage apartment in your “smart” city, and compare the spare digital prison you live in, funded by electronic nothing, while the elites are living in palatial estates funded by the gold that was supposed to back “your” currency. And wonder how that happened.

Come on, people! If you don’t hold it, you don’t own it. If it belongs to the central bank, you don’t own it. And if it’s not DIRECTLY convertible to gold upon the bearer’s demand, it’s not worth the electrons and the screen it will be shown on. Digital currency “backed” by gold plus “flexible” local currencies backed by nothing, is still nothing. In fact, it’s worse because it’s now a vast control mechanism that takes away all the people’s privacy and gives nothing but even bigger lies in return. Such a deal!

Protect yourselves. Purchase real gold for your own wallet while you can. “They” want gold for themselves, and you to believe they’re keeping it safe and using it for your benefit. Why shouldn’t you want (and deserve) to follow their example, and exercise the right to own and spend gold for yourself?

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