There's Help & Hope for Humpty Dumpty
Defining Dumptification and the path to restoring Mr. Dumpty
Op-Ed by Jon Forrest Little
Yesterday, I wrote to you about the trouble with Tariffs and will summarize them below.
I will come out of the gate and confess to being a “hater” of the Biden regime but still simultaneously a vocal critic of Trump 2.0. (Or really any
politicianmember of the ruling class and stand by my article where I wrote, "The Worse end up on top.")
While Trump's unilateral acts may lack critical thinking, they do highlight the need for a strong executive branch. This is especially true when compared to the incompetence and corruption in Congress.
I would say we are living in such times as the "do nothing" Congress can't be trusted for anything greater than deciding whether we can finally ditch "falling back" or "springing forward" twice per year. It never made sense to me that if the days are getting shorter, why would you shorten them more by turning back the clocks an extra hour? (Bafoonery)
We give "The Donald" a fair shot on this platform (recently we published a piece on how he wants to cut the Pentagon by half, and we give him kudos for going down the path)
It's crucial that we continue to hold our leaders accountable. Now, let the criticism of Trump resume.
Trump’s Tariffs are not the answer to our Economic Problems
Traditional Money (Gold and Silver) are
Tariffs distort price signals, disrupting efficient resource allocation and economic coordination
They artificially inflate costs for industries relying on imported materials, leading to malinvestment
Tariffs create temporary benefits for specific industries at the expense of overall economic efficiency
They undermine consumer sovereignty by forcing higher prices and limiting choices
Protectionist measures often trigger retaliatory tariffs, fragmenting global trade and reducing economic cooperation
Tariffs can exacerbate economic downturns, as seen with the Smoot-Hawley Tariff during the Great Depression
They introduce unpredictability and volatility into markets, discouraging long-term investment
Tariffs privilege narrow interests over broader societal welfare
They impede the productivity gains from specialization and international division of labor
Ultimately, tariffs stifle innovation and economic growth by interfering with free market mechanisms
Other than those problems Donald, nice job rattling the markets with your Tariff threats
Defining Dumptification
The United States economy, once a stallion (of strength) stability, now finds itself teetering on the edge of a wall. A confluence of factors has created a perfect storm that threatens to topple the entire system, much like Humpty Dumpty perched precariously on his wall.
Tariffs, touted as a solution to trade imbalances, will instead led to higher prices for consumers and favor certain industries at the expense of others. This economic distortion will ripple crash through the supply chain, creating more inefficiencies, costs and market imbalances that are difficult to correct.
The fractional reserve banking system, a cornerstone of modern finance, is something Trump has not ever criticized. Why? The “zero reserve requirement” paired with fractional reserve banking (along with Federal Reserve) exaggerates wealth inequality and is the source of the “mouse click” money injected into the system that creates inflation.
By allowing banks to create money through lending, (money that isn’t theirs) this system has disproportionately benefited the financial elite while leaving the average citizen vulnerable to economic shocks. This newsletter writes about this weekly but must be repeated because those closest to the money printers get the first batch of “good money” then later the villagers get the inflated scraps. It’s like that Bible story where the good wine is served first
Meanwhile, the stock market's apparent strength masks a troubling reality. The so-called "Magnificent Seven" tech giants have propped up major indices, creating an illusion of broad-based growth. This concentration of market power in a handful of companies leaves the economy dangerously exposed to sector-specific downturns.
The United States' vast military footprint, with over 750 bases worldwide, drains resources that could be better allocated to domestic priorities. This imperial overreach not only strains the budget but also fuels geopolitical tensions and perpetuates a cycle of conflict.
Congressional insider trading remains a persistent issue, eroding public trust in government institutions. The perception that elected officials are profiting from privileged information undermines the very foundations of democratic governance.
In the financial sector, banks are sitting on a ticking time bomb of derivative exposure, with notional values reaching into the quadrillions of dollars. This complex web of financial instruments poses systemic risks that could dwarf previous economic crises.
The commercial real estate market faces an existential threat as remote work becomes the norm. Empty office buildings in major cities portend a looming collapse that could send shockwaves through the banking system and beyond.
Perhaps most alarming is the ballooning national debt, approaching $37 trillion. Interest payments on this debt now constitute the largest single item in the federal budget, crowding out essential investments in infrastructure, education, and healthcare.
Against this backdrop of economic fragility, the country finds itself deeply divided along political, social, and economic lines. This polarization hampers efforts to address systemic issues and leaves the nation ill-equipped to face future challenges.
The China Syndrome
Compounding these problems is the relative decline in U.S. workforce productivity compared to competitors like China. This productivity gap threatens America's long-term economic competitiveness and standard of living.
As the cracks in the system widen, figures like Donald Trump and Elon Musk have proposed drastic measures, from sweeping audits to aggressive tariff policies. However, these efforts, while well-intentioned, are akin to the futile attempts of all the king's horses and all the king's men to reassemble Humpty Dumpty after his great fall.
A more fundamental solution lies in revisiting the foundations of our monetary system.
A return to a bimetallic standard of gold and silver could provide the fiscal discipline necessary to rein in reckless spending and prevent the moral hazard of endless money printing. Such a constrained monetary system would make it far more difficult for politicians to engage in costly foreign interventions (unending wars) and unsustainable domestic programs.
As we survey the economic landscape, the parallels to the nursery rhyme become painfully clear. Like Humpty Dumpty, our financial system sits teetering atop a wall of debt, speculation, and misaligned incentives.
The fall, when it comes, will be swift and devastating. And just as in the rhyme, all the economic interventions and policy prescriptions will prove insufficient to put our Humpty Dumpty economy back together again. The time for half-measures and quick fixes has passed. Only a fundamental reevaluation backed by gold and silver (restoring our economic foundations) can hope to prevent the impending doom
USA: Suffering from Chronic Dumptification Dysfunction
and the good news is there is a cure …
Ask your Doctor about Goldfixol®
or ask your Doctor about Silveromax®
WARNING: Use of Goldfixol® and Silveromax® to fix the economy may result in the following benefits. Patients should be aware that these effects could occur suddenly and without warning:
Sudden onset of financial stability, unexpected budget surpluses, and rapid debt reduction may occur. Some users have reported experiencing a balanced trade deficit and increased foreign investment within hours of first dose. Goldfixol® and Silveromax® may lead to decreased unemployment, wage growth, and improved standard of living.
Side effects may include: robust GDP growth, strengthened national currency, increased consumer confidence, and stabilized inflation rates. In rare cases, users have reported elimination of boom-bust cycles and resistance to global economic shocks.
Discontinue use if you experience sustained periods of economic prosperity or if your nation becomes a leading global financial hub. Goldfixol® and Silveromax® are not for everyone. Do not take if you are allergic to sound monetary policy or fiscal responsibility.
Consult your economist before starting treatment. If you experience a balanced budget lasting more than four fiscal quarters, seek immediate financial advice.
Goldfixol® and Silveromax®:
The only known cure for Chronic Dumptification Dysfunction
welders in lower right showing up to fix Humpty Dumpty (filling in the cracks by welding a silver , copper, gold suit of armor)
end of segment
our opinions are not our sponsors opinions
editorial is separate from promotions
not financial advice
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