Agree with everything, except AI is our friend and vital to our future. AI is humanity’s worst nightmare coming true and we absolutely do NOT need it for a same, happy, healthy and free world. Let’s get rid of it, NOW! Buy silver and starve this beast!!

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We appreciate you BumbleBEE, not sure we wrote anything like we think AI is our friend. The tone is that AI is here and the best way to invest in it is to buy Silver. It's like when moveable parts displaced the craftsmen or coal yielded to oil, or feudalism yielded to capitalism, etc, sometimes we can't put the genie back in the bottle. There will be horrible fall out with all new technologies, AI is going to put people out of work and put people into work. I don't pretend to even fathom how insane the future is, I just want to see if we can get along with Russia , then i will begin worrying about AI....but I get your point, totally

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