MEXICO RISES: Sheinbaum Launches Bold Crusade to Reclaim Energy Sovereignty from Foreign Grip
Aspirations of ordinary Mexicanos, demands we protect our natural wealth. We are committed to ensuring that the riches beneath our soil serve to uplift our communities, fund our schools and hospitals.
President Claudia Sheinbaum is spearheading a transformative national energy strategy that promises to break the chains of foreign corporate control and restore Mexico's energy independence.
Silver is the #1 conductor of Energy.
Mexico's history of resource nationalization aligns with the Fourth Transformation (Cuarta Transformación) ideology. The 1938 oil expropriation, a cornerstone of Mexican pride, set the stage for future nationalizations.
The current administration has continued this trend by nationalizing lithium reserves in 2022, creating LitioMx to manage exploration and extraction.
Similarly, efforts to strengthen state control over electricity generation through CFE reflect this nationalist approach.
These actions echo Article 27 of the 1917 Constitution, which declares that minerals and resources belong to the Mexican nation.
This resource nationalism, spanning oil, lithium, and electricity, is presented as safeguarding Mexico's natural wealth for its people, resonating with the Fourth Transformation's vision of national sovereignty and economic independence.
Morena's victory over PRI and PAN stems from a powerful coalition of campesinos, activists, intellectuals, and environmentalists, bolstered by AMLO's leadership, President Claudia Sheinbaum's vision, and the Environment Secretary's commitment. This alliance aims to achieve mineral resource sovereignty and reduce foreign exploitation, echoing previous transformations like land reform.
The movement emphasizes developing Mexico's resources for its people, rather than benefiting a privileged few. This grassroots approach contrasts sharply with past foreign dependence, as exemplified by AMLO's seizure of Vulcan Materials' rock quarry. Morena's success reflects a broader shift towards national self-reliance and economic independence, aligning with the ideals of Mexico's historical transformations and prioritizing the interests of ordinary Mexicans over foreign corporations
The Morena party's meteoric rise in Mexican politics represents a passionate grassroots movement that has captured the hearts and minds of millions. Founded just a decade ago, Morena has swiftly become the dominant force in Mexican politics, embodying the people's desire for genuine change and national regeneration.
At the core of Morena's appeal is its unwavering commitment to putting the interests of ordinary Mexicans first. The party's landslide victory in recent elections, securing nearly 60% of the popular vote, serves as a resounding mandate for its vision of a Mexico free from foreign exploitation and corruption.
This overwhelming support stems from Morena's promise to reclaim Mexico's natural resources for its people, echoing the country's historical struggles against neo-colonial oppression.
Morena's platform resonates deeply with the working class, campesinos, and marginalized communities who have long felt neglected by the traditional political establishment. The party's call for resource nationalism, including the nationalization of key industries like oil, lithium, and electricity, strikes a chord with those who believe Mexico's wealth should benefit its own citizens rather than foreign corporations.
This stance is not merely about economic policy; it's a battle cry for national sovereignty and dignity.
The party's success is rooted in its ability to mobilize a diverse coalition of activists, intellectuals, environmentalists, and ordinary citizens who share a vision of a more just and equitable Mexico.
This grassroots energy has transformed Morena from a political movement into a powerful force for change, challenging the status quo and redefining the relationship between the government and the governed.
As Morena continues to consolidate its power, it faces the monumental task of translating its populist rhetoric into tangible improvements for the Mexican people. The party's commitment to social justice, environmental stewardship, and economic independence from foreign interests will be put to the test. However, with the passionate support of millions of Mexicans behind it, Morena stands poised to lead a transformative era in Mexican politics, one that prioritizes the needs of the many over the profits of the few
In Spanish
Como Guardianes de la Tierra y fieles administradores, servimos al mayor bien para la mayor cantidad a través de la solidaridad, la resistencia, el levantamiento y la valentÃa.
Como personas que siguen los dictados de nuestro Creador, debemos unirnos y luchar para liberar a los pobres, oprimidos y marginados de las estructuras socioeconómicas injustas y los sistemas de explotación.
Es nuestra tesis que nuestras órdenes de marcha asumen esta lucha por la justicia, que es un imperativo y énfasis para nuestro nuevo plan de estudios, nuestro nuevo paradigma y nuestra nueva mentalidad para aprovechar todos nuestros talentos, tiempo, obras, dones, superpoderes, energÃa, mente, espÃritu y cuerpo para elevar a los oprimidos a través de la acción, la misericordia y la solidaridad con los que sufren.
Bajo esta luz, declaramos que el pueblo de México ha sido efectivamente oprimido y explotado por intereses corporativos extranjeros, particularmente de Estados Unidos y Canadá, que han extraÃdo los ricos recursos naturales de México como la plata y el oro para su propio beneficio en lugar del beneficio del pueblo mexicano.
Los actos explotadores de EE.UU. y Canadá representan actos salvajes y severos de codicia y robo que deben cesar.
Por lo tanto, es con gran fe y confianza que llamamos a México a Nacionalizar su Plata, Oro y Cobre tal como lo hizo anteriormente con su Petróleo.
Estos metales preciosos pertenecen legÃtimamente a México y su pueblo, no a los industriales y corporaciones que han saqueado la riqueza de la nación mientras mantienen a sus trabajadores empobrecidos.
Al reclamar el control sobre sus depósitos de plata y oro, los mexicanos pueden liberarse de esta explotación neocolonial y construir una economÃa que sirva a los intereses de los pobres y marginados, en lÃnea con la opción preferencial de Nuestro Creador por los oprimidos.
La Administración de la Tierra y los Recursos de México
La tierra es un regalo sagrado confiado a la humanidad como administradores, no como explotadores. El pueblo de México no solo está llamado, sino que se le insta a ser guardián de su territorio. Deben proteger y preservar la tierra, las aguas y los hábitats naturales de los estragos de la codicia y la extracción desenfrenadas por parte de corporaciones extranjeras.
La incesante minerÃa y explotación de recursos por parte de los industriales estadounidenses y canadienses no solo ha robado al pueblo mexicano de su riqueza legÃtima, sino que también ha infligido un daño inmenso al medio ambiente.
Es hora de que el pueblo de México se levante y defienda su territorio de esta explotación insaciable impulsada por la codicia corporativa estadounidense.
Al expropiar (liberar) y reclamar las minas, fábricas y recursos de las manos opresivas de los capitalistas extranjeros, los trabajadores, campesinos, campesinos y refugiados pueden reclamar lo que les pertenece por derecho. El pueblo de México es el heredero de los recursos del paÃs, y su acceso inherente y legÃtimo a las recompensas compartidas valoradas por la sociedad les ha sido negado durante milenios.
La riqueza, la prosperidad y el poder que les han sido robados durante demasiado tiempo.
Este acto de liberación limpiará la tierra y restaurará el equilibrio de los ecosistemas. También allanará el camino para una sociedad justa y equitativa donde los marginados puedan prosperar sin el yugo de la opresión neocolonial.
In English
As Guardians of the Earth and as faithful stewards, we serve the greatest good for the greatest many through solidarity, resistance, rising up, and bravery.
As people following the dictates of our Creator, we must unite and fight to liberate the poor, oppressed, and marginalized from unjust socio-economic structures and systems of exploitation.
It is our thesis that our marching orders take on this struggle for justice, which is an imperative and emphasis for our new curriculum, our new paradigm, and our new mindset to tap into all our talents, time, works, gifts, superpowers, energy, mind, spirit, and body to uplift the downtrodden through action, mercy, and solidarity with the suffering.
In this light, we declare that the people of Mexico have indeed been oppressed and exploited by foreign corporate interests, particularly from the United States and Canada, which have extracted Mexico's rich natural resources like silver and gold for their own profit rather than for the benefit of the Mexican people.
The exploitative acts of the U.S. and Canada represent savage and severe acts of greed and theft that shall cease.
Therefore, it is with great faith and confidence that we call on Mexico to Nationalize its Silver, Gold, and Copper just like it did its Oil Previously.
These precious metals rightfully belong to Mexico and its people, not to the industrialists and corporations that have plundered the nation's wealth while keeping its workers impoverished.
By reclaiming control over their silver and gold deposits, Mexicans can break free from this neo-colonial exploitation and build an economy that serves the interests of the poor and marginalized, in line with Our Creator's preferential option for the oppressed.
The Stewardship of Mexico's Land and Resources
The earth is a sacred gift entrusted to humanity as stewards, not as exploiters. The people of Mexico are not just called upon, but are urged to be guardians of their territory. They must protect and preserve the land, waters, and natural habitats from the ravages of unchecked greed and extraction by foreign corporations.
The relentless mining and resource exploitation by U.S. and Canadian industrialists has not only robbed the Mexican people of their rightful wealth but has also inflicted immense harm on the environment.
It's time for the people of Mexico to rise up and defend their territory from this insatiable exploitation driven by U.S. corporate greed.
By expropriating (liberating) and reclaiming the mines, factories, and resources from the oppressive hands of foreign capitalists, the workers, campesinos, peasants, and refugees can reclaim what is rightfully theirs. The people of Mexico are the heirs of the country's resources, and their inherent rightful access to shared rewards valued by society has been denied for millennia.
The wealth, prosperity, and power that has been stolen from them for far too long.
This act of liberation will cleanse the earth and restore balance to the ecosystems. It will also pave the way for a just and equitable society where the marginalized can thrive without the yoke of neo-colonial oppression.
end of segment
SILVER UPDATE: Explaining what is going on with Mexico. Everyday we are learning more
I studied US - Mexico relations under some of the best professors in the USA at the time at the University of New Mexico including professors such as Professor Fred Harris (US Senator from Oklahoma) Dr. Susan Tiano, Dr Peter Gregory and many more.
Our studies on US - Mexico relations covered history, sociology, economics, political science, anthropology and foreign policy.
I have dozens of readers contacting me wanting to know more about how or why I have connected the dots on Mexico's new administration with key players such as their president and secretary of environment.
The response from readers was over this article
Mexico's "Cuarta Transformación" follows three historic radical changes:
Independence (1810-1821)
Reform War (1858-1861)
and Revolution (1910-1917)
4th transformation is underway which is SECURING MEXICO'S ENERGY FUTURE, since they already nationalized oil, lithium, electricity there is only copper, gold and silver remaining.
Thus the only logical conclusion as to what the 4th step is, that unities their progressive party of activists, is finishing what was started and securing Mexico's Energy Future is locking down Silver which is the #1 rated Conductor of ENERGY
Silver = Energy because of its physical properties.
Political Movement Explained
The MORENA party, a grassroots coalition of campesinos, activists, students, workers, marginalized women, and environmentalists, marks a departure from the foreign investment focus of Mexico's dominant political parties of the past ( PRI and PAN).
Timeline Explained
AMLO's and MORENA party administration (now headed by Claudia Pardo) has nationalized key resources:
lithium (an energy metal) in 2022
electricity in 2023
and recently seized a Vulcan Materials rock quarry in 2024
This echoes Mexico's 1930s oil nationalization, emphasizing resource sovereignty. When they say "Secure Mexico's Energy Future," what better way to say this than to Nationalize Lithium (Energy), Electricity (Energy), and now Silver (The #1 conductor of Energy)
Recall that MORENA's campaign uses slogans like "Secure Mexico's energy future" and "Mexico's resources belong to its people," urging citizens to be "defenders and guardians of the territory."
Notes from the Morena party campaign trail (paraphrased)
Compañeros, our beloved México stands as the world's foremost producer of silver, a treasure that rightfully belongs to our people. It is our sacred duty to harness this wealth for the benefit of all Mexicanos, not just a privileged few or foreign interests. By reclaiming control of our mineral resources, we assert our sovereignty and secure our rightful place on the global stage.
Our strategy is clear and just. We recognize that the United States relies heavily on our silver, importing 82% of their needs. This dependence gives us leverage in our relations with our northern neighbor, allowing us to negotiate from a position of strength.
No longer will we be dictated to by foreign powers or corporations. We are answering the call of our people, fulfilling the mandate they entrusted to us when they rose up and demanded change.This is not mere politics, compañeros.
This is the will of the people made manifest. Our grassroots movement, born from the struggles and aspirations of ordinary Mexicanos, demands that we protect our natural wealth. We are committed to ensuring that the riches beneath our soil serve to uplift our communities, fund our schools and hospitals, and build a prosperous future for all.
Let us stand united in this noble cause. The silver of México belongs to the people of México. Together, we will forge a new era of economic justice and national pride!
plus dozens more
to be continued