Consider the extreme, excessive and endless suffering forced our non-human kin in the name of ever-cheaper “food” and “goods”, with simultaneously ever-increasing profits flowing to the Wall Street titans who own our food and animal products industries.

The hen must have part of her beak seared off and toes nipped (with no anesthesia) so she can’t kill her equally miserable and frustrated sisters stuffed in the dank wire battery cage so we can consume mass quantities of “cheap” eggs, chicken meat and overpriced pet food. Most of her brothers are fed, alive, into giant grinders and spread as “blood slurry” over farm fields to replace some of the nutrients that conventional farming strips from the soil.

The sow starts life in an iron-barred pen in a sun, smelly, concrete-slabbed pen inside an ammonia-filled metal barn, before being transferred to an individual pen so small that, for the rest of her hideous life, she cannot even turn around of scratch herself. After she delivers a litter of piglets courtesy of artificial impregnation, she is prevented, thanks to the bars in her pen, from ever touching, cleaning or snuggling them. She can only, with difficulty, lie on one side to suckle them. The farmers say this is to prevent her from accidentally rolling over n her side to crush her babies. Organic farmers -the few that exist- uniformly report that free-living sows living in barns and supplied with hay yo make maternal nests, never crush their babies. It’s just an excuse to justify cutting costs so fewer laborers are needed and there’s no “wasteful” expenses like bedding. The whole setup is so horrifying that the sow pens have been dinner “Iron Maiden’s”. But, hey, who cares, as long as the grade-Z meat that gets stripped from the poor girls’ bones when the system is finished with her, costs the consumer $2 per pound less and we can all stuff our faces with waaaayyy more flesh than anybody needs. And the Wall Street behemoths who run the corporations and hedge funds that control our food supply, get huge bonuses so they can live in multiple fancy houses built by not-so-overpaid laborers.

The horrors of our animal industries go on and on. And on. And they have few advocates. Mostly, people don’t want to touch the subject because while they’re uncomfortable with the abuse, they’re too comfortable with the status quo to bother questioning their appetites. And some use the WEF “You’ll own nothing and be happy” agenda to dodge having to take personal responsibility for their own choices. They deliberately equate voluntary, conscious vegetarianism with forced choices and oppression -of themselves. Screw the suffering of those outside your moral circle as long as your taste buds are satisfied and you don’t feel like putting out any effort to explore other ways of eating. Because who wants to live like “ ‘Dem poor folks?” Sadly, poverty and deprivation is the only way most people choose to view living without being dependent on animal products. Ignorance and self-indulgence are comfortable diseases.

What kind of mentally ill god condones this? Not one that many of us would care to meet in the next life. So, perhaps consider how abuse of our non-human kin feeds into the human economic system that eats us alive, as well, and consider how saying “No thank you” to the cruelty and excess on your dinner plate would be a massive blow to those who steal our wealth by encouraging us to constantly indulge in our basest appetites.

Or, everybody, just do what almost everybody else does: look away from the issue, pretend it isn’t true, avert your eyes and ears from the suffering, and make excuses for your participation in the system while you complain about how awful it is and how it’s hurting us all. Complaining and playing the victim is easier than changing our own attitudes and behaviors, after all. The choice is yours. The animals will, as always, be forced to pay for your sins while we wash our hands of our responsibilities for creating the whole, disgusting mess.

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Thanks, your posts are exceptional

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thank you Stuart, in our contentious age, hearing that matters, many trolls send me personal emails telling me I'm stupid so thank you for your kind note & the morale boost, it really helps

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