I consider bargain silver a gift. It will realize it’s true value at some point on the not too distant future. In the meantime, every ounce within the reach of the public is one less ounce that can be employed to continue global war and power the nascent AI monster, and that’s a good thing, IMO.

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good post BumbleBee

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There is 000 missing in your calculation

1,84$ * 707 900 000 = 1,302,536,000 $ as in 1,3 Billion $ + the 1,5 Billion $ NOT in the Xmas bonus ..

Guessing that B O A will by in deep shit monday morning....but hey...Mac D is hiring....

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see if it is fixed, I was told it was fixed, thanks - https://thesilverindustry.substack.com/p/banks-losing-billions-in-their-immoral

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