Satellite Space Race: A Fraction of Our Staggering Silver Crisis
US currently sits at being 79% import reliant on silver causing an immediate need to source from US jurisdictions for Energy Future and National Security.
Introduction and Conclusion
This is the first time in my life that I have begun a news article with the article's conclusion. This news article is unlike any other silver article in existence. Once we all accept my premise that silver is the World's most critical metal for future energy, electronics, industries, monetary stability, and emerging technologies, the rest of the reading is just a matter of logic and critical thinking.
Then, as the saying goes, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.”
So when you read the rest of this story, pretend we are the thirsty horse, and we are looking for the proverbial water together.
Starting an article with the article's conclusion is an odd thing to do.
It would be like writing a book and putting the last chapter at the beginning or watching the movie's end first. Still, this literary trickery works as a brilliant opening segment, so without further ado, here is the conclusion of today’s Silver News article.
US investors will have to figure out three basic fundamentals.
Where are the top US silver deposits?
How are an elite few silver mining companies developing these deposits?
And of these companies, which one stands the best chance of bringing Silver to market?
The Department of Energy, Department of Defense, United States Bureau of Mines, and Department of Interior stopped disclosing silver inventories 29 years ago (between 1995 and 1996). Moreover, the United States Bureau of Mines was abolished coincidentally during this same time horizon (specifically 1996)
The US once had a "strategic stockpile of silver," much like the strategic petroleum reserves. You can connect all the dots when we wrap up this 24-week research project and see for yourself why the US must start developing more US based silver production
It will be in plain sight and openly exhibited (whereas before all this news and data was obscured, opaque, and obfuscated)
We can all draw powerful inferences while declaring compelling "calls to action."
There are no coincidences with the timing of these closures and the motive behind suppressing silver usage data.
This will also explain that it is not just the short selling of paper silver contracts that creates manipulated silver commodity spot prices.
Once you see our spreadsheet of these massive silver uses, we will lay out our closing argument: defense contractors were motivated to leverage their political clout to incentivize their Government allies to keep their factory inputs as low as possible. This is a collusive arrangement or cartel of price fixers between top-ranking government officials, defense and aerospace contractors. This also extends to companies that typically don't contract with the US Government. (such as SpaceX, Blue Origin, Rocket Lab, and Virgin Galactic.)
In all these cases, these gargantuan aerospace and defense enterprises (silver buyers) push for lower silver prices to maximize profits on rockets, bombs, shells, missiles, aircraft, tanks, night vision goggles, warships, satellites, nukes, submarines, torpedoes, etc.
Anyone who runs a business understands that factory inputs (raw materials, equipment, payroll, insurance, land, building structures, vehicle fleets, maintenance) all go into any accounting spreadsheet. By minimizing costs, companies can improve their profit margin, which is the difference between revenue and expenses. A higher profit margin means that a company is more profitable.
This is an immersive 24-week series of research and new reporting; as announced in our previous news release dated October 12, 2023
On October 12, 2023, we reported how the US government ( Specifically Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Department of Interior, United States Bureau of Mines (USBM) and the US Geological Survey stopped reporting on silver inventories in 1995/1996.
For most of the 20th century, the United States Bureau of Mines (USBM) was the primary United States government agency conducting scientific research and disseminating information on the extraction, processing, use, and conservation of mineral resources. The Bureau was abolished in 1996. (coincidentally, at the same time, the Dept. of Defense started pretending silver was not important to them)
2023 Final Critical Materials List
Silver and Gold Not on this LIST. WTF?
Silver is arguably the Most Critical Mineral for Aerospace, Future Energy, Future Cars, Future Tech and National Defense.
The US Department of Energy has determined the final Critical Materials List to include the following:
Critical materials for energy: aluminum, cobalt, copper, dysprosium, electrical steel, fluorine, gallium, iridium, lithium, magnesium, natural graphite, neodymium, nickel, platinum, praseodymium, silicon, silicon carbide and terbium.
Critical minerals: The Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Director of the US Geological Survey (USGS), published a 2022 final list of critical minerals that includes the following 50 minerals: "Aluminum, antimony, arsenic, barite, beryllium, bismuth, cerium, cesium, chromium, cobalt, dysprosium, erbium, europium, fluorspar, gadolinium, gallium, germanium, graphite, hafnium, holmium, indium, iridium, lanthanum, lithium, lutetium, magnesium, manganese, neodymium, nickel, niobium, palladium, platinum, praseodymium, rhodium, rubidium, ruthenium, samarium, scandium, tantalum, tellurium, terbium, thulium, tin, titanium, tungsten, vanadium, ytterbium, yttrium, zinc, and zirconium."
US Government's Denial of Silver and Gold's Importance is Putting the Country at Risk
The Silver Academy is a learning project but also a guide for investors (for the public to gain perspective and appreciation on how we are running out of silver.)
I am now calling this a SILVER CRISIS and will begin using that hashtag on social channels. #SilverCrisis
Moreover, we will indicate how much silver the US imports and how this poses a substantial risk to US energy independence and puts the US military in a precarious situation.
We are beginning to document these gargantuan numbers when calculating enormous uses of silver in the aerospace and defense industries.
We're talking about massive uses of silver in rockets, bombs, shells, missiles, torpedoes, nukes, fighter jets, tanks, submarines, and communication devices. However, today, we will focus on satellites, which are just a tiny fraction of the entire silver use envelope yet still an important data point.
How many satellites have been launched into orbit over the past 20 years?
According to the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), 8,261 satellites were orbiting the Earth as of January 2022, of which only 4,852 satellites were active. However, this number includes all satellites launched since the beginning of the space age, and it is still being determined how many of these satellites were launched in the past 20 years.
The number of active satellites in orbit has been increasing over the years. In 2022, 6,905 active satellites were orbiting the Earth, an increase of 2,105 operational satellites on 2021's value.
It is difficult to determine the exact number of satellites launched into orbit by all companies in the past 20 years, as many organizations and countries launch satellites. However, according to the NanoAvionics satellite tracking website "Orbiting Now," there were 7,702 active satellites in various Earth orbits as of May 2023.
Therefore, while it is difficult to determine the exact number of satellites launched into orbit by all companies in the past 20 years, it is clear that the number of active satellites in orbit has been increasing over the years.
How many satellites has SpaceX filed with the FCC for future launch?
According to recent news articles, SpaceX has filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to deploy up to 29,988 satellites in its "second-generation" Starlink constellation, also known as Gen2 Starlink.
Satellites in Orbit amount to 34.5 Million Ounces of Silver and 576,000 ounces of Gold beyond 2023. But this is peanuts compared to rockets, nukes, submarines, missiles, torpedoes, jets, tanks, etc.
This past year, the US lost its enormous privilege called the Petrodollar. This Petro dollar strengthened the dollar because Saudi/OPEC oil trade was denominated in US dollars. All the World's countries (except those sanctioned like Iran, Venezuela, Russia) previously have been forced to hold dollars.
As a result of US unwise and self-inflicted sanction wounds, BRICS deployed the gold for oil playbook by Russian economist Sergei Glazyev. Meanwhile:
The US is in a war with Russia.
The US is being dragged into the Palestine-Israeli War.
Just three days ago, The Biden regime delivered to Congress a $110 billion request for military aid, mostly for Israel and Ukraine, essentially daring lawmakers who oppose parts of the proposal to vote against an overall package that he said will ensure “American security for generations.”
Minerals are the new war; this is where our story heats up.
The US is over a barrel; when we think critically and look at what's happening with silver import dependency, it paints a picture of dire desperation for the USA (precisely because it can not control its own energy or military destiny.)
Now, look at the graphic below indicating a troubling statistic.
It shows the US is 79% import-reliant on silver (and jurisdictions like Mexico banned silver open pit mining). Moreover, there were only a few countries where the US could rely on silver imports from silver exporters as trade partners.
But we are in a different world since 2021. Silver exporters are not lining up to do business with the USA because of the US dollar's toxic orbit. (tied to over 33 Trillion Dollars in debt) and there's an intensifying shift in geopolitical World trade realignments.
Other nations don't want to be trapped in a Central Bankers Warfare Model and have begun a system of trading commodities for commodities (Pivoting away from exporting cars, appliances, textiles, electronics and raw materials in exchange for the US who is printing money out of thin air)
The dollar-centric system is rooted in a centuries-old model known as the Central Banking Warfare model, where central banks print currency, and the military ensures its acceptance.
The US is no longer the top dog; other nations are offloading US Treasuries at a record clip, and silver export nations (previously oppressed by North American neocolonialism) have long memories.
Plus, there are only a few silver-producing countries to begin with.
This is just like what happened with oil. The US once thought they could depend on Saudi. Still, it only takes a weekend or a new BRICS Summit meeting somewhere for new trade alliances to become institutionalized, leaving the US stranded without strategic trade partners.
This is why you are seeing a "run on US Treasuries." With silver and gold as part of the new BRICS architecture, no one is in a hurry to help out Uncle Sam, who has used "debt trap" Tony Soprano-style IMF loans for decades. These debt trap loans have created years of misery and poverty in the nations the US needs for silver imports, and it's doubtful they will feel too sorry for the USA's silver deficits.
Countries are wising up and increasingly unwilling to trade out their own self-interests. They are rejecting past patterns where a few elite industrialists and politicians could be bribed to continue as "modern-day" commodity colonies for the US.
They know how much the US needs silver, so the US could be cut off from silver imports from emerging markets.
There is a solution to the silver crisis. The answer is domestic development of silver deposits located in the USA.
Since silver is the most critical metal and foreign imports will be minimized to nonexistent, the only solution is identifying and developing silver projects on US soil.
US investors will have to figure out three basic fundamentals.
Where are the top US silver deposits? High grade. Most ounces.
How are an elite few silver mining companies developing these deposits?
And of these companies, which one stands the best chance of bringing Silver to market?
Summa Silver
High Grade Silver in USA
Summa provides exposure to 2 of the highest grade underdeveloped silver projects in the United States. With ~$7.0 million in working capital Summa is well positioned to advance both projects and to continue building high grade ounces as well as make new discoveries.
The Mogollon Project In SW New Mexico presents a very rare discovery opportunity in which there is ~ 77 km of strike length of which only 500 m has been drilled. With the best hole being drilled at 31 m of 448 g/t AgEq the company is systematically building ounces at a very efficient pace. Zooming out from this 500 m there is a 2 km strike length along the main Queen Vein in which we have compiled data and are beginning to demonstrate a pathway to a critical mass.
The Hughes Project in Tonopah Nevada is one of the most prolific past producing districts in the United States. The majority of work and drilling done on this project has been in the historic part of the district where we have drilled numerous ultra high-grade holes. Some of the best results include 3,971 g/t AgEq over 2.8 m & 536 /t AgEq over 18.1 m. More recently, our drill program that just concluded is focused on stepping out at some of our exploration targets where we made numerous new high grade discoveries.
Share Structure - With ~ 95 million shares outstanding, management owns 26%, Eric Sprott owns 18% (Personally), institutions own 27% which include a number of strategic shareholders (First Majestic Silver, the SILJ ETF, & multiple Sprott Resource funds), and retail makes up the remaining 29%.
Management's Exploration Success - Summa is led by a group of geologists and experienced executives that have all contributed significantly to making world class discoveries. CEO, Galen McNamara, was instrumental in the Arrow Discovery while at NexGen Energy. Senior Geologist, Chris Leslie, co-discovered the Blackwater Gold deposit in BC which has over 8 million ounces in the proven and probable category. Mike Konnert, Director, is the CEO of Vizsla Silver which has taken a very similar approach to Summa but in Mexico and has had tremendous sources
News Anchor Pixy Livingston explains why Summa Silver is positioned to advance development of Silver within our #SilverCrisis environment.
Disclaimer / Disclosure
Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but there is no guarantee as to completeness or accuracy. Because individual investment objectives vary, this Summary should not be construed as advice to meet the particular needs of the reader. Any opinions expressed herein are statements of our judgment as of this date and are subject to change without notice. Any action taken as a result of reading this independent market research is solely the responsibility of the reader.
The Pickaxe & MineralWEALTH is not and does not profess to be a professional investment advisor, and strongly encourages all readers to consult with their own personal financial advisors, attorneys, and accountants before making any investment decision. The pickaxe & MineralWEALTH and/or independent consultants or members of their families may have a position in the securities mentioned. Mr. Little does consult on a paid basis both with private investors and various companies. Investing and speculation are inherently risky and should not be undertaken without professional advice. By your act of reading this independent market research letter, you fully and explicitly agree that The Pickaxe & MineralWEALTH will not be held liable or responsible for any decisions you make regarding any information discussed herein.