Prior to Election: Government Reports UNEMPLOYMENT at 4%. True Rate of UNEMPLOYMENT is over 24%
Government Lies Exposed: Real Unemployment 6x Higher Than Reported
The Federal Reserve, a private entity masquerading as a federal institution, has catastrophically failed in its dual mandate. With a true unemployment rate of 24%, their claims of a robust job market are exposed as a farce.
Meanwhile, inflation rages on, with family health insurance premiums skyrocketing to a staggering $25,572 annually.
This pseudo-governmental body, wielding the power to create money from thin air, has consistently prioritized the interests of the wealthy elite over the average American. By inflating asset classes through their monetary policies, they've widened the wealth gap to unprecedented levels. The individuals closest to the money printers reap enormous benefits, while the working class struggles to make ends meet.
The Fed's antiquated approach to economic management has proven woefully inadequate in addressing modern economic challenges. Their reactive policies consistently lag behind real-world conditions, exacerbating both unemployment and inflation rather than mitigating them.
It's clear that radical reform is desperately needed. The Fed's opaque operations and unaccountable power must be curtailed. A more transparent, democratically controlled monetary system could better serve the needs of all Americans, not just the privileged few. Without significant changes, the Fed will continue to fail in its responsibilities, leaving millions of Americans to suffer the consequences of its ineptitude and misaligned priorities.
The True Rate of Unemployment (TRU), as defined by LISEP, measures the percentage of the U.S. labor force that is functionally unemployed.
The government's manipulation of job numbers is a blatant attempt to mask the true economic crisis facing Americans. By distorting employment data, they're perpetuating a false narrative of economic health, effectively gaslighting the public. This deception serves to protect the Federal Reserve's failed policies and shield politicians from accountability.
The true unemployment rate, far higher than reported, is deliberately obscured to prevent public outrage and maintain the illusion of competent economic management. This corruption of data is a direct assault on transparency and democracy, robbing citizens of the ability to make informed decisions about their financial futures and hold their leaders accountable.
This deliberate misinformation campaign is designed to keep the populace complacent while the Fed continues its disastrous monetary experiments, further enriching the elite at the expense of working Americans.
end of segment
You Can’t Trust The Federal Reserve or Government Data, What can you trust?
Physical gold and silver offer a time-tested hedge against systemic risk and inflation. Unlike manipulated government data or unreliable fiat currencies, precious metals have no counterparty risk and have preserved wealth for millennia, providing a tangible safeguard in uncertain economic times.
1. Convert your Federal Reserve notes into Gold and Silver
2. Click on the link below to get started
3. Why Now?
4. Because bankers have manipulated the price down to profit off of short selling so it makes sense to take advantage of these deep discounts on gold and silver.
Contest on Reddit, Win 20 ounces of Silver
The Contest Rules are Simple:
Contest Dates October 7 to November 5
You can get up to 6 Post Entries per day.
2 from r/SilverDegenClub, 2 from r/WallStreetSilver, and 2 from r/NoCBDC
The Contest Post Flair is Required for all posts to count
How Posts Count
1 entry: Post with contest post flair
2 entries: Create a meme exposing fiat currency risks or topics like "all wars are bankers wars" or "mocking fiat, bankers, etc"or anything you create related to the absurdity of US politics where voters really have no choice because both parties are manipulated by Federal Reserve and War Profiteers (meanwhile US workers are victims of the Rigged State)
3 entries: Share an original video related to silver stacking and our silversqueeze
4 entries: Share a post on how stacking silver removes silver from the military industrial complex
Grand Prize: 10oz Silver Bar
Quantity 10: 1oz Sprott Eternal Sun Rounds
Total 11 Winners
Larisa Sprott, of Sprott Money, is donating these prizes for the Silver Stacking Apes on Reddit. This is just the start of a long journey for us all to continue stacking as much as possible, and with the most trusted name in Silver and Gold industry. We really appreciate you for donating to the Reddit stacking community and look forward to future collaborations :)
About Larisa Sprott
Larisa Sprott joined Sprott Money in 2009 in the role of President. Larisa has worked at Cormark Securities and Sprott Asset Management, and has 20 years of experience in the financial industry.
"Our mission is to provide guidance, education, and superior client service to help you make smart investments in precious metals." - Larisa Sprott, President
You can learn more about Sprott Money here: