Keep Feeding the Beast, or Take Control of Your Own Future
Social Security isn’t just a Ponzi scheme—it’s the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time. A scam so massive, so entrenched, that questioning it provokes outrage.
Social Security isn’t just a Ponzi scheme—it’s the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time. A scam so massive, so entrenched, that questioning it provokes outrage. But the numbers don’t lie.
Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme: $64 billion.
Social Security’s unfunded liabilities: $22 trillion.
The only reason Social Security is “legal” is because the government runs it. They force you to participate, taking a cut of every paycheck under the guise of benevolence. But there’s no account with your name on it. It’s a tax, plain and simple.
And you can’t opt out. The government demands you funnel your hard-earned money into a system that will likely pay you back less than you put in. For millennials and Gen Z, Social Security is a negative return investment. The average return on Social Security is a pitiful ~1%, while the S&P 500 has historically returned ~10%. Imagine if you could invest that money instead—in real assets, in real markets. The returns would dwarf anything Social Security promises.
Gold has defeated all asset classes by leaps and bounds. Gold was $35 per ounce in 1971 and $2,914 per ounce today. 83X Increase. WoW
But the government needs your money to keep this scam alive. Early beneficiaries, like Ida May Fuller, reaped enormous gains, collecting nearly 1,000 times what she paid in. Today’s workers? They’re footing the bill for a system that’s mathematically unsustainable.
The truth is, Social Security is a rotting husk, propped up by force, empty promises, and the hope that people won’t notice the numbers don’t add up. If anyone else ran a system like this, they’d be arrested for fraud.
The only way out is a system where people own their retirement. Where what you earn and save is yours—no forced redistribution, no government skimming off the top. Real financial freedom.
But that would mean admitting the truth: Social Security is the longest-running government con of all time. And when people finally wake up to that fact? The game is over.
The choice is simple: Keep feeding the beast, or take control of your own future. Because waiting for this system to save you is like waiting for Bernie Madoff to cut you a check.
end of segment
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