Government Silver Demonetization Backfires, Requires More Silver to Prop Up Dollar
Mine production over past 18 years
Arriving at a working number (ounces above ground)
The relationship between silver drained by military and demonetization of silver
The irony that silver becomes critical for military use but considered not critical
The irony that the very entity that relies most on silver (military) is now the only thing backing US dollar
Over the past 17 years, silver worldwide production averaged 22,500 metric tonnes per year. There are 723,391,797.6 troy ounces in 22,500 metric tonnes.
The Calculation breaks down like this
1 metric tonne is equal to 32,150.74656 troy ounces. To convert from metric tonnes to troy ounces, we multiply the number of metric tonnes by the conversion factor.
Therefore, there are 723,391,797.6 troy ounces in 22,500 metric tonnes. For the sake of simplicity, let's round this to the nearest 100 million, which is 700 Million ounces of Silver mined per year globally.
Then, via the philosophical law called "rationalism," we must all agree that Silver used in industry exceeds Silver saved by citizens.
The ratio is 90% (military and industrial uses) to 10% as an investment.
But should there be disputes with this ratio, we can just tweak the metrics. No matter what ratio we agree on, I can still prove my thesis.
I believe this is rational because Silver has been demonetized in an environment of hyper-parabolic use in military applications. This article series of research (Silver Star Academy) is unique because I'm pitching the two are inversely related and flow like this.
Silver is always taken out of circulation monetarily, which follows the same pattern in history. Athens, Sparta, Rome, Portugal, Spain, France, Dutch, British, and the US, and each time, the Silver has always been replaced with war bonds or debasement (same thing)
Silver was then hated by financial networks, members of Congress, and Executive branches who answer to their handlers(banking, corporatists, defense contractors, and military elites.)
The propaganda is necessary because the Governments do not want competition for their paper war bonds
Silver used in military applications started going parabolic during World War 1. Still, the uses are kept top secret for two main reasons: (a.) the villagers would figure out that it is the paper war bonds infecting them with inflation, and (b.) the villagers would figure out that items on the periodic table of elements should not be all gobbled up by some secret military-industrial society with evil intentions.
Meanwhile, the only thing backing the US dollar is the same military gobbling up all the Silver.
So, more and more Silver and gold were substituted with paper representations.
These printed war bonds (fiat) accelerate the cycle over and over to the point where we are up to around 250 wars since WW1.
80% of all Silver ever mined has been used in the past century.
We make this extrapolation based on consumption trends in various commodities, averaging oil, Copper, and other hard assets and precious things.
For example, Copper has been used by humans for at least 10,000 years, and more than 97% of all Copper ever mined and smelted has been extracted since 1900
Now it's time for more Math.
700 Million x 100 years = 70,000,000,000 or 70 Billion ounces
90% of 70 Billion = 63,000,000,000 or 63 Billion ounces
This figure shows a difference of 7 Billion.
Now, let's figure in all the Silver saved before 1923.
We listed 1923 because we used a 100-year projection previously (statues, silverware, coins, bars, private hoards, plates, jewelry, medical, vases, chalices, baby spoons, old electronics, old weapons, magnets, wires, etc.)
Let's weigh that multiplied by 2.5. This goes back to the theory that 70% has been used in the past 100 years.
Conclusion: There are about 17.5 billion ounces of Silver above ground.
My numbers check out A OK against this chart above.
According to Statistica, in 2022, the total global reserves of silver amounted to some 550,000 metric tons.
550,000 metric tonnes equals 17,682,890,557 troy ounces.
Tomorrow, we will look at what happened in the 1970s that sealed the deal, allowing The Parasitic Class to accelerate intensifying warfare and kickstart new eras of inflation and recession cycles.
We will also find another smoking gun whereby US agencies falsified silver uses and introduced new diversion accounting tactics to justify the final raids of the strategic silver stockpile.
In this chapter, we will begin to introduce the friction between these silver raids and growing disparities between US domestic use and increasing foreign dependencies (and the energy and security risks these create)